Saturday, November 27, 2010


We have so much to be grateful for! I so often feel unworthy of all of the many blessings I have, but I will be happy and thankful and try not to take the people in my life for granted. Steve and I had the wonderful opportunity to meet our new little grandson William Peter Pearson for the first time last week and that was such a TREAT! He is the most beautiful little baby I have ever seen ( I can say that because I am his grandmother)! All of his little features are just perfect and I couldn't get enough of him when I was there. One of my favorite afternoons was spent in a very comfortable rocking chair with Will on my chest...both of us dozing and enjoying the sweetness of the moment. It is hard to believe that it has been almost 24 years since Will's dad Brad was born and Steve and I were doing exactly what Brad and Michelle are doing! I remember that time so well. I was so happy to be a mother and to have a sweet little baby to take care of and to love. To see Brad and Michelle loving parenthood like we have is so rewarding! They are such good parents and don't seem to be able to get enough of their sweet baby boy.

I was able to be there for a baby shower that my sisters Laurie and Julie gave Michelle and I really enjoyed that since I am never able to be in Utah for such
celebrations. I just love to be with my family....both immediate and and extended..

Brad also blessed William on our last Sunday in Utah and that was an amazing experience. There's nothing better than to hear your son give a blessing to your grandson...a payday moment for sure! Brad and Michelle had several friends there to support them as well as family on both sides of the family. I am sure they felt loved!

It was hard to kiss and hug our little grandson goodbye...especially since we know we won't be seeing him for a few months, but we really don't have anything to complain about...we can get daily updates via text or email and we can skype with them whenever we want! Thank goodness!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

National Honors Society

Becca had the honor of being inducted into the National Honors Society
on Wednesday night!
She is a very conscientious student and strives to do her best in
all she is asked to do as she serves at church or at school. I am so grateful
that she strives for excellence in her life and that she chooses to
surround herself with wonderful friends who also have
high standards. Becca loves life right now which makes
life enjoyable for us as well...who said
teenagers are hard?

Becca signing the roster for new inductees
Becca with some of her friends
Elizabeth, Becca and Madeline....great friends!
Becca will really miss these girls when they graduate
at the end of the year!


This post is in honor of Steve and my daughter-in-law, Michelle who are both Runnin' Utes! Even though I am a BYU fan, I want to support the Utes today as they go up against TCU! Steve is so excited to be able to watch the game and cheer his team on and I will be cheering along with him. I hope this is a good day for the red team. There is one day a year however that we are divided... that day this year is November 27 when BYU and the U of U go head to head! BYU will definitely be the underdog team, but it won't stop me from yelling....GO COUGARS! Today however I will yell...GO UTES!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Grandma,Granny,Nana? Grandpa, Gramps, Papa?

Regardless of which name we choose to use...that's what we are! Grandparents! Early Sunday morning we got a call from Brad and Michelle who let us know they were on the way to the hospital because Michelle's water had broken. This was great news because the baby was two weeks and one day early! We had all been hopeful that little William would come early, but since he was a first baby we tried not to have our hopes up! But he wanted out and out he came around 10:30 Sunday morning. I don't usually take my cell phone to church, but I did on Sunday and was glad I did because we got play by play texts like..".She's dilated to a 10...she will start pushing in about and hour" and "she's starting to push". It was a little bit heard to concentrate on Isaiah in Sunday School and the Relief Sodiety lesson because of the anticipation! Steve even wanted to stay in Relief Society for awhile, because he can't get texts on his phone. I assured him I would come and let him know if anything happened. We didn't get the final text that he was born until after we got home from church and then there was much celebration on our part! Thank goodness for technology because just an hour or so after he entered this world we were looking at him via skype on the computer. What a blessing that is when you have family across the country. He weighed 7 lb. 4 oz. and is 20" long and has beautiful chubby cheeks! Birth is truly a miracle and I am so grateful that both Michelle and William Peter Pearson are healthy and strong!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Feeling Old!

I have always felt pretty young...I mean why wouldn't I? I have always been able to go out and run 5 miles whenever I want with virtually no pain (ok sometimes there's a little, but nothing to complain about), I have a lot of friends who are still in their 30's so when I am with them I feel like I am their age, I work with the Young Women and they keep me young and I can still sleep through the night (most of the time) without getting up to go to the bathroom! Well now that I have said all that...I don't feel young anymore! Why you ask? Two things:

1. My oldest son Brad and his wife are only a few weeks away from having a baby...which would mean I am going to be a Grandma!

2. My youngest daughter Jane just turned 12 and is now a Young Woman....Yikes

So even if I feel young and can run around with young people, I am not young fact I am officially middle-aged! But I have decided that that's ok because I am super excited to be a Grandma and it's fun to have a 12 year old who keeps us laughing all of the time with her jokes and clever remarks. So three cheers for being OLD!

Jane's friends came to her birthday party dressed crazy which is how Jane wanted it...They all had a great time and the house was even all in one piece when they left that night!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So grateful for my family!

I feel so blessed! We just returned from a wonderful trip to Utah where we were able to see our parents, brothers and sisters, nieces, nephews, and last but not least our daughter Anne and son and daughter-in-law, Brad and Michelle! It makes me so happy to be surrounded by family and I always feel a little blue when our time together comes to an end. As we drove from the airport in Cincinnati I became a little teary-eyed as I looked at many familiar Cincinnati landmarks and was reminded of good times with our family...the Reds Stadium, the Waterfront restaurant, Sawyers Point etc. Seeing these different places warmed my heart, but also reminded me that we were driving home with only two of our five heart has a hole in it because we are not all together! Life is like that though and that is why family reunions are so great!

Jane loves to ham it up with her cousin Megan at Grandma and Grandpa's house by getting into the dress up box...we get a lot of good laughs as we listen to them talk in their foreign accents!

We had to get a picture of all the kids together (minus Ben of course who is a little too far away!)

Natalie Lloyd is married to David Bennett! What a great day!

Brad, Michelle, Patrick and Sarah enjoying the wedding reception

Becca, Anne and Jane outside the Provo temple! They are oh so cute!

My beautiful mother with Anne!

Becca with Grandpa Johnson after she received her Patriarchal blessing from him...

We were able to spend some evenings with Grandpa Pearson...the girls have wonderful memories of the swing on the ditch bank so we had to capture it on film with Grandpa!

We had a cold day at Bloomington Lake near Bear Lake, but that didn't stop the brave ones from jumping into the icy water....those on the shore had to rap up in blankets and coats and wonder how in the world anyone could brave the glacier water!

One of our favorite nights of the reunion was going to see the play Juanito Bandito rides again at Pickleville playhouse. Grandpa treated us to the barbecue dinner before the play...yummmm, yummm! It was fabulous to be together with all the people I love the most and to be reminded that I am truly blessed to have an amazing family who never cease to amaze me!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Alive once again!

Miracle of Miracles...I am posting something on my blog after a year of nothing! It's not that I don't think about it! I really do...It's just that I don't sit down and do it and I am bound and determined to be a little bit better about blogging even if it is just something small. In February I was asked to be Stake Young Women's President and since that time life has been busy, busy, busy preparing for our youth conference in June which was a Pioneer Trek. Fortunately I have wonderful counselors as well as a great Young Men's Presidency to work with, but nonetheless it was a lot of work for all of us. We were able to utilize many people in the Stake as Trek Specialists which made our lives so much fact we couldn't have done it without them at all! So after several months of lots of work we embarked on a three day trek at Ceasars Creek State Park where 100 youth and about 35 adults worked together pulling 11 handcarts along hiking trails with many obstacles. It was inspiring to see these youth in their families working together to solve problems and forming lasting friendships along the way. I wasn't a Ma in one of the families,but I did walk along side some of them and observed. I felt the spirit many times as I walked, listened and watched our amazing youth. I felt so blessed to be able to be a part of such a great group of people.

During the evening after we returned from Trek, Becca commented..." I wish I was still at Trek!" I am grateful that she had such a positive experience at Trek and that she wanted more of the same...I call that a successful Youth Conference!