Miracle of Miracles...I am posting something on my blog after a year of nothing! It's not that I don't think about it! I really do...It's just that I don't sit down and do it and I am bound and determined to be a little bit better about blogging even if it is just something small. In February I was asked to be Stake Young Women's President and since that time life has been busy, busy, busy preparing for our youth conference in June which was a Pioneer Trek. Fortunately I have wonderful counselors as well as a great Young Men's Presidency to work with, but nonetheless it was a lot of work for all of us. We were able to utilize many people in the Stake as Trek Specialists which made our lives so much better...in fact we couldn't have done it without them at all! So after several months of lots of work we embarked on a three day trek at Ceasars Creek State Park where 100 youth and about 35 adults worked together pulling 11 handcarts along hiking trails with many obstacles. It was inspiring to see these youth in their families working together to solve problems and forming lasting friendships along the way. I wasn't a Ma in one of the families,but I did walk along side some of them and observed. I felt the spirit many times as I walked, listened and watched our amazing youth. I felt so blessed to be able to be a part of such a great group of people.

During the evening after we returned from Trek, Becca commented..." I wish I was still at Trek!" I am grateful that she had such a positive experience at Trek and that she wanted more of the same...I call that a successful Youth Conference!
Fun to see you in the blog world again. It's hard to do I know when life gets busy! What a wonderful experience! Our youth did this last week too. This past Sunday a few of them were asked to share experiences and testimonies! It was amazing as I am sure yours was too. Hope all is well with you and your family!
I wish I would have been there to be a trek mommy...becca you look way to cute to be a pioneer teen. Love you and the blog update!
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