I feel so blessed! We just returned from a wonderful trip to Utah where we were able to see our parents, brothers and sisters, nieces, nephews, and last but not least our daughter Anne and son and daughter-in-law, Brad and Michelle! It makes me so happy to be surrounded by family and I always feel a little blue when our time together comes to an end. As we drove from the airport in Cincinnati I became a little teary-eyed as I looked at many familiar Cincinnati landmarks and was reminded of good times with our family...the Reds Stadium, the Waterfront restaurant, Sawyers Point etc. Seeing these different places warmed my heart, but also reminded me that we were driving home with only two of our five children....my heart has a hole in it because we are not all together! Life is like that though and that is why family reunions are so great!

Jane loves to ham it up with her cousin Megan at Grandma and Grandpa's house by getting into the dress up box...we get a lot of good laughs as we listen to them talk in their foreign accents!

We had to get a picture of all the kids together (minus Ben of course who is a little too far away!)

Natalie Lloyd is married to David Bennett! What a great day!

Brad, Michelle, Patrick and Sarah enjoying the wedding reception

Becca, Anne and Jane outside the Provo temple! They are oh so cute!

My beautiful mother with Anne!

Becca with Grandpa Johnson after she received her Patriarchal blessing from him...

We were able to spend some evenings with Grandpa Pearson...the girls have wonderful memories of the swing on the ditch bank so we had to capture it on film with Grandpa!

We had a cold day at Bloomington Lake near Bear Lake, but that didn't stop the brave ones from jumping into the icy water....those on the shore had to rap up in blankets and coats and wonder how in the world anyone could brave the glacier water!

One of our favorite nights of the reunion was going to see the play Juanito Bandito rides again at Pickleville playhouse. Grandpa treated us to the barbecue dinner before the play...yummmm, yummm! It was fabulous to be together with all the people I love the most and to be reminded that I am truly blessed to have an amazing family who never cease to amaze me!