What changes are those you might ask? Well the big one that affects all of us is that Steve was released as Bishop of our ward after 7 plus years! What a blessing those years have been to our family. Steve has loved the opportunity to serve the members of our ward so much. Brad was 14 when Steve was called and Jane was only 3...that really put's how long it's been into perspective. I guess we had a relatively young family at the time and now we only have two children living at home full time...WEIRD! The day Steve was released our ward was divided as well which made the day even more sad...We have been in the same ward with some of the same people for 15 years! Now what used to be the Milford Ward is now the Milford Ward and the Little Miami Ward. It will be hard to get used to, but we know it will be ok. We are excited to be able to spend more time with Steve on Sundays and in the evenings...Jane has roped him into playing lots and lots of games with her which makes both him and her very happy. Jane would play games as a family every night if the rest of us would agree to it...Oh to have the life of a ten year old again.
The other big change was my age...I turned another year older and Jane got a hold of the camera and got a few shots of me on that glorious day! Steve made me a great dinner and I was able to talk to lots of friends and family so that made for a very happy birthday! Thanks everyone!
How do you think you would look if you had just been given some extra time?

My cute daughter Jane giving me a kiss after revealing her gift... a great smelling candle!

A promise of softer more beautiful feet thanks to Brad and Michelle's gift...
A very happy birthday girl!

Even sammie wanted to get in on the birthday action, but trying to rip off the ribbon!...She is so tough!