Well we are officially in the countdown phase of Brad's mission now. His official release date is June 24 and Steve and I fly out on June 22 to go pick him up. We feel like this is a real privilege and are really looking forward to meeting the people he has worked with and whom he loves so much! It will be exciting to have Brad be our interpreter as most of the people don't speak English very well. When we spoke to Brad at Christmas time we had him speak to us in Russian which was fun, but it will be such a unique experience to see him in his element as a missionary communicating with his friends there. We will spend about 6 days in his misson and then we will take a train to Kiev and spend a couple of days there. We hope to see the temple which is being built there. Because we are flying through Vienna on the way home we decided to spend two days there as well so that Brad could see what Western Europe looks like...at least one city anyway. We feel fortunate to be able to spend 11 days with our missionary because we know when he gets home there will be lots of people for him to see and we won't be able to be selfish even though we will want to be. I just have to add this picture of Brad with four little girls who come to the weekly English class the missionaries teach. This picture is definitely one of my favorite!